Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Third Time Is The Charm

It is said that the third time is the charm. If this saying is true of blogging endeavors, then this blog should be positively charming!

I have attempted to maintain 2 blogs prior to starting this one, on 2 topics that I like: Scrapbooking and Social Media. The problem is that I cannot update these blogs as often as I would like, because I don't scrapbook nearly as often as I would like, therefore not enough to maintain a blog! The social media blog had a bit more of a success, but being I work in the industry, I find it hard to update my blog with trends, because I am too busy actually engaging in these trends.

So this blog, like to many others will simply be about me. A mix of random entries about my journey through this life, with maybe a few scrapbooking and social media posts thrown in. Hopefully I will be able to update this, as well, I'm living my life everyday!

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