Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Last Thursday at about 7:30pm in Macomb County, Michigan 2 tornados touched down. I just happened to be right in them middle of one.

I was at a local restaurant finishing dinner with my best friend. Outside the sun was shining, but we heard a couple rumbles of thunder and decided to leave and get home before the rain. Little did we know, we drove right into a Tornado!

By the time I got in my car and drove to the restaurant driveway, it was pouring rain and my car was shaking back and forth. I slowly turned out onto the roadway, barley able to see the vehicle in front of me. Within a few seconds I was at a complete stop as hail battered my car, and all I could see was pure white. I was terrified, waiting for some news on the radio as to what was going on, but no warnings were forth coming. As the hail lessened and I could move forward, cars were moving out of the way due to a tree in the middle of the now flooded street. And just as soon as it hit, it stopped. I drove slowly the 2 miles home with shaking hands, dodging stray shopping carts, signs and other debris. As I walked in my front door, the sirens went off. A little late for that.

Upon arriving home, the local weather man informed me that in fact it was a Tornado that I drove though. Crazy!

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