Thursday, August 26, 2010

Cleatus The Robot

With my summer gardening projects almost complete and the 50 degree temperatures that blanketed metro Detroit last night, it's safe to say that fall is almost upon us. I'm not quite ready to give up the warm temperatures, but I'm definable ready to watch some football!

As I countdown to the NFL Kickoff, I think it's fitting to offer my own commentary about the robot mascot for The NFL On FOX. I recently discovered that this Robot has a name, Cleatus, as chosen by a viewer. Cleatus action figures are now also for sale from each NFL team in their online stores, as I also recently discovered. Thank gosh for the internet!

Anyway, My father and I spent countless hours making fun of this robot and his movements throughout the game breaks. A robot dressed in football pads showing off terrible dance moves was not our idea of a great football mascot, but alas we are not only stuck with this robot but the Lions as well. We watched as Cleatus went from awful dance moves to swinging baseball bats during the world series, playing guitar and even breaking a wishbone with the Burger King Macsot on Thanksgiving (seriously). Cleatus did however get beaten by The Terminator once. My dad and I always wondered what Cleatus would do next.

I wish this were more to this fascinating story, but really my dad and I simply enjoyed making fun of this robot almost as much as we enjoyed yelling at the Lions' ridiculous play calling.

Even though my dad is no longer watching the games with me, whenever I see Cleatus do something stupid, I know that I would be able to tell him and he would laugh.

So here's to football season! LET'S GO LIONS! Ok that was going a bit too far...

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