Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A Prayer

I'm not exactly the go to church on Sunday kind of gal. But when your into sports, live in Hockeytown and are in the 20th consecutive hunt for the Stanley Cup, you gotta have faith! And us wing nuts sure have faith in our Detroit Red Wings! So here's a prayer that a friend posted on Facebook that I just had to share with all my fellow Wing Nuts!

Our Father who art in the Joe. Hockey be thy name. Thy will be done. The cup will be won. On ice, as well as in the stands. Give this day our hockey sticks. And forgive us our penalties as we forgive those who cross-check against us. Lead us not into elimination, but deliver us to victory. In the name of the fans, Lord Stanley, and the Wings, AMEN! \

Friday, March 11, 2011

Goal Accomplished

In a previous post, I mentioned that one of my goals this year would be to run my first 5K. I'm proud to say that this mission has been accomplished.

After 2 months of training, I ventured down to Orlando, FL for ESPN The Weekend, my favorite event at the Walt Disney World Resort. This year in addition to stalking sports celebrities for autographs and photos, I participated in the ESPN The Weekend 5K with my friend Brittany. It was the first 5K for both of us and it was amazing!

Mickey and Minnie cheerfully greeted us in their cheerleading costumes as we lined up at the start line. On stage, Trey Wingo with Dana Jacobson from ESPN kicked off the ceremonies with DeAngelo Williams (Carolina Panthers Running Back) and Greg Jennings (Super Bowl Winning Green Bay Packers Wide Receiver) The Harlem Globetrotters and some Miami Dolphins Cheerleaders! In true Disney style, after the fireworks were set off, we started running!

Along the course Cast Member lined the course cheering for us, while the band Mulch, Sweat and Shears from Disney's Hollywood Studios kept the jams playing! It was great to run though the park with no guests, and even better to pass the guests who were lined up waiting to get in the park.

I crossed the finish line at 38:17 which is 2 minutes better than my training average, earning my first running medal! Minnie, Mickey and Goofy were there to help us celebrate our finish with photo opportunities. We also had our photo taken red-carpet style, and then with DeAngelo Williams, Greg Jennings and The Globetrotters.

After the race, we entered the park for some more photos in our running gear, including one with the Sorcerer's Hat and the ESPN stage in the background, and one in front of the ESPN the weekend sign.

We proudly wore our medals all day, and got "Magical Truimph" buttons to wear on our shirts. Cast Members congratulated us all day. We ended the evening by getting our medals Pixie Dusted at the Bibbity Boppity Boutique at the Magic Kingdom and watched "Wishes".

Next year, Brittany and I plan to tackle the Disney World Princess 1/2 Marathon, and of course the ESPN Weekend 5K, cuz we're just awesome!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Superbowl XLV

Sunday is Super Bowl Sunday! I have been one of the lucky people in the world to have actually attended at Super Bowl! That's right, I went to Super Bowl XL in my hometown of Detroit, where I rocked the dance floor in the Pre-Game Show with Stevie Wonder and the Halftime Show with the Rolling Stones that cold February day in 2006! Seriously, it was so cold I got a severe respiratory infection - a small price to pay to go to the Super Bowl. In case you were wondering if it was worth it - ABSOLUTELY! The Steelers won the Super Bowl that year and again in 2009 in Tampa.

So this Sunday I'll be waving around my Terrible Towel and cheering for the Steelers while munching on junk food, watching overpriced commercials and dancing to the halftime show in my living room.

Above is a picture of my friend Anne and I before performing in The Halftime Show at Super Bowl XL

Monday, January 17, 2011

French Fried Chicken and Asian Pork

Last weekend I continued on my tradition of trying a new recipe, and I actually tried one on Saturday & one on Sunday. The recipe on Saturday was the new French's Fried Onions Chicken recipe featured on TV. Simple. Delicious. Here is the link. I made it with the Honey Dijon Mustard for some extra flavor.

As for Sunday, I made this excellent recipe featured on Worst Cooks in America last week. It's Chef Anne Burrell's Asian Marinated Pork Tenderloins with Sugar Snap Peas & Baby Spinach. I am not a pork chop fan, but this meal was delicious and far exceeded any expectations. Plus it was really inexpensive and simple to create. My mom is glad I made extra so we can have the leftovers tonight. I really enjoyed the flavor combination, and I cooked the pork just right, it was very moist unlike most pork chops I have eaten in the past. I will be making it again very soon.

Here is the recipe!


In a large bowl, combine the soy sauce, rice wine vinegar, chile paste, ginger, garlic, scallions, and orange zest. Add the pork to the bowl and turn to coat with the marinade. Let the chops sit in the marinade for a few minutes.

Coat a large saute pan with oil and bring to a high heat. Remove the chops from the marinade, shaking off any excess. Reserve the marinade. Sear the chops 4 to 5 minutes on each side. Remove the pork from the pan.

Ditch the excess oil from the pan. Place the saute pan on the hottest burner. Add the marinade to the pan-it should come to a boil instantly. WARNING: This liquid MUST be brought to a boil to kill any bacteria from the raw meat juices.

Turn off the heat. Place 2 chops on a plate, spoon a few drops of the marinade over top, and serve with Sugar Snap Peas and Spinach with Ginger.

Sugar Snap Peas and Spinach with Ginger:

  • Kosher salt
  • Ice
  • 1 pound sugar snap peas, stem end and strings removed
  • Extra-virgin olive oil
  • 1 (1-inch) piece ginger, finely chopped
  • 2 cloves garlic, smashed
  • 1 scallion, white and light green only, thinly sliced
  • 1/2 pound baby spinach, washed but not dried, stems removed

Bring a large pot of well-salted water to a boil over high heat. Set up a bowl of well-salted ice water. Blanch the snap peas in the boiling water until they are cooked but still crunchy, and then immediately plunge them into the salted ice water. Remove them from the ice water and reserve.

Coat a large saute pan with oil. Add the ginger, garlic, and scallions and cook over medium-high heat until the scallions are soft and translucent.

Add the sugar snap peas and toss to coat in the oil. Add the spinach and toss with the peas until the spinach starts to wilt. Remove from the heat, season with salt. Toss or stir the spinach to finish wilting and transfer to a serving bowl.


Friday, January 14, 2011

Alignment of the Planets

Well according to what I have read recently, it's not just the alignment of the planets, but the alignment of the stars that count. Due to the gravitational pull of the moon; the earth, sun and stars have moved over the course of the last 3,000 years. Here is the full article regarding getting into the technical astrological details.

According to the new dates listed below, I am now a Taurus instead of a Gemini. I'm not sure how I feel about this. I have never been a true follower of horoscopes, but it will be interesting to see if the Taurus is more accurate from time to time. Or are we a mix of our old and new sign, considering for part of our lives the planets were aligned differently?

Capricorn: Jan. 20 - Feb. 16
Aquarius: Feb. 16 - March 11
Pisces: March 11- April 18
Aries: April 18- May 13
Taurus: May 13- June 21
Gemini: June 21- July 20
Cancer: July 20- Aug. 10
Leo: Aug. 10- Sept. 16
Virgo: Sept. 16- Oct. 30
Libra: Oct. 30- Nov. 23
Scorpio: Nov. 23- Nov. 29
Ophiuchus: Nov. 29- Dec. 17
Sagittarius: Dec. 17- Jan. 20

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Bringing It!

I would just like to make it public record that in the first 12 days of 2011, I have not faltered from my workout and diet plan and I'm feeling good!

I made it to the gym 3 times last week, completing the 5K in 15 mins per mile on my first try. So far this week I have worked out once, and am planning to go again tonight! Not even the snow or tendinitis can keep me from the gym, or showing up to work early....or anything else.

Keep bringing it 2011, I got this!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Sunday Home Cooking

My mom and I are big fans of the Food Network, and since I have had to take over the cooking responsibilities, the shows and recipes from the Food Network have greatly helped me develop my culinary skills!

Yesterday I made Pan Seared Chicken Breast with Herb Jus and Potato-Vegetable Hash, a recipe featured on the Food Network's "Worst Cooks In America" show, and it turned it out great for a first attempt. It was delicious and I would make it again! Plus we had fun tasting the new dish for the first time, the anticipation was high to see if everyone liked it, as we were unsure of what our tastebuds would think of potato-vegetable hash.

Below is the recipe, I did use Chicken Breasts instead of a chopping a whole chicken, and used jarred spices instead of fresh.

2 tablespoons grapeseed oil
2 skin-on, bone-in chicken breasts, cut airline-style, tenderloins removed
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
1 cup dry white wine
1 clove garlic, minced
1 tablespoon minced fresh thyme leaves
1 teaspoon chopped fresh rosemary leaves
1 teaspoon chopped fresh parsley leaves
2 tablespoons butter, unsalted
1 tablespoon minced fresh chives
Potato-Vegetable Hash, recipe follows
Heat a large saute pan over high heat and add the oil. Season both sides of chicken breast with salt and pepper, to taste. Sear the chicken, skin side down, 4 to 5 minutes. Reduce the heat to medium, flip the chicken, cover the pan and cook on second side for 7 to 8 minutes.

After second side has been cooked, add the wine, garlic, and herbs and continue to cook until the liquid is reduced by half.

Transfer the chicken to a serving platter and allow it to rest.

Remove the pan from the heat and whisk in the butter, scraping up the bits from the bottom of the pan.

Serve the chicken with Potato-Vegetable Hash and the pan sauce. Garnish with chives.

Potato Vegetable Hash:
1 Idaho potato
1 zucchini
1 squash
1 small red onion, thinly sliced
1 egg, beaten
2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
1 clove garlic, minced
1 teaspoon minced fresh thyme leaves
1 teaspoon minced fresh tarragon leaves
1 teaspoon Cajun spice
Grapeseed oil

Using a box grater, shred the potato, zucchini and squash, and add them to a large bowl.

Stir in the onion, egg, flour, garlic, herbs, and Cajun spice. Blend well. Add more flour if mixture is too wet. The mixture should hold its shape when squeezed.

Heat a large saute pan over medium heat. Add 2 tablespoons grapeseed oil. Portion the hash into 2 cakes, then gently put them in the pan. Cook until golden brown, about 2 to 3 minutes, then flip and cook until the other side is browned. Remove them from the pan to a paper towel and season with salt, to taste. Serve warm.

I certainly don't have time to cook gourmet meals each night, but I have decided that at least once a week we should try out a new recipe and have a restaurant quality meal at home. Since I began this new tradition on Sunday, I think I'll keep it on Sunday. And to begin this new tradition, I'll be trying recipes from "Worst Cooks In America" as the show is on Sunday Night, and we can look forward to what our meal will be all week!

Check back next week to see the outcome of the next recipe!

Monday, January 3, 2011

New Year, New Projects

Welcome 2011.

As optimistic as I would like to be about this year, I know that it will be just as difficult, if not more so than 2009 and 2010. In 2009 my father passed away quite suddenly from Cancer. During this transition, I have had to take over the responsibilities of the "man of the house" while caring for my mother, who was diagnosed with advanced ALS in 2009 after his passing. 2010 brought struggles I as I juggled my job, my social life and caring for my mother. As her disease continues to progress, she requires more and more of my time. At the same time, I am trying to enjoy life as a typical 25 year old advancing in my career and enjoying being young. Caregiving is something most people do not experience until they are in their 40s or later, doing this at 25 is difficult and rewarding. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, and by the time 2011 is over, I'm very sure that I'll be virtually unbreakable.

These circumstances have taught me how quickly your world can change, upon graduating college I thought I had my whole life ahead of me. My parents were not sick, and I would have laughed at you if you told me by age 26 they might both be taken from me.

But as dismal as it is, and as much as I don't want 2011 to be here, knowing it could be the year I lose my mother, I am being optimistic about other aspects of my life. 2010 didn't stop me from being a successful caregiver, employee and "man of the house". 2011 will not stop me either, in fact it motivates me to constantly work harder, accomplish more and aim higher.

While I may not be able to change the cycle of life, I can set and achieve goals and make progress in other aspects of my life and I intend to do so.

Professionally, I'd like to begin grad school if my caregiving responsibilities don't increase. If so, I will do this in 2012. It is in my line of vision, and I know I will get there eventually.

In 2010, I completed the Dale Carnegie course, something I have been thinking about since the young age of 16. I am proud of that accomplishment and am excited to see how it will benefit me in my search for a better paying job, whether at another agency or at my current one. I am also thankful to have taken the course with such wonderful classmates, who I look forward to staying in touch with via monthly events.

I plan to run my first 5K at ESPN Weekend. This goal will help me achieve a longer term goal of being more consistent with my fitness routines, and possibly get me back into dancing!

In terms of my home, I plan replace the interior doors, complete the one side of the garden I did not tend to this year, and continue the renovation of the main bathroom with new floor tile and a new shower. This will leave the kitchen for renovation, which I plan to tackle in 2012 due to financing.

Also, in 2011 I will become a godmother. I am excited to take on this role and meet the challenges and joys it will bring.

Minor goals: I hope to complete my recipe book that I have been planning to create for several years filled with all my favorite family recipes. I'd also like to update my blog more often.

Finally, I'd also like to take some more time to relax in 2011 - although I doubt this will happen considering that I am writing about all I plan to accomplish in 2011 despite life's challenges.