Monday, January 3, 2011

New Year, New Projects

Welcome 2011.

As optimistic as I would like to be about this year, I know that it will be just as difficult, if not more so than 2009 and 2010. In 2009 my father passed away quite suddenly from Cancer. During this transition, I have had to take over the responsibilities of the "man of the house" while caring for my mother, who was diagnosed with advanced ALS in 2009 after his passing. 2010 brought struggles I as I juggled my job, my social life and caring for my mother. As her disease continues to progress, she requires more and more of my time. At the same time, I am trying to enjoy life as a typical 25 year old advancing in my career and enjoying being young. Caregiving is something most people do not experience until they are in their 40s or later, doing this at 25 is difficult and rewarding. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, and by the time 2011 is over, I'm very sure that I'll be virtually unbreakable.

These circumstances have taught me how quickly your world can change, upon graduating college I thought I had my whole life ahead of me. My parents were not sick, and I would have laughed at you if you told me by age 26 they might both be taken from me.

But as dismal as it is, and as much as I don't want 2011 to be here, knowing it could be the year I lose my mother, I am being optimistic about other aspects of my life. 2010 didn't stop me from being a successful caregiver, employee and "man of the house". 2011 will not stop me either, in fact it motivates me to constantly work harder, accomplish more and aim higher.

While I may not be able to change the cycle of life, I can set and achieve goals and make progress in other aspects of my life and I intend to do so.

Professionally, I'd like to begin grad school if my caregiving responsibilities don't increase. If so, I will do this in 2012. It is in my line of vision, and I know I will get there eventually.

In 2010, I completed the Dale Carnegie course, something I have been thinking about since the young age of 16. I am proud of that accomplishment and am excited to see how it will benefit me in my search for a better paying job, whether at another agency or at my current one. I am also thankful to have taken the course with such wonderful classmates, who I look forward to staying in touch with via monthly events.

I plan to run my first 5K at ESPN Weekend. This goal will help me achieve a longer term goal of being more consistent with my fitness routines, and possibly get me back into dancing!

In terms of my home, I plan replace the interior doors, complete the one side of the garden I did not tend to this year, and continue the renovation of the main bathroom with new floor tile and a new shower. This will leave the kitchen for renovation, which I plan to tackle in 2012 due to financing.

Also, in 2011 I will become a godmother. I am excited to take on this role and meet the challenges and joys it will bring.

Minor goals: I hope to complete my recipe book that I have been planning to create for several years filled with all my favorite family recipes. I'd also like to update my blog more often.

Finally, I'd also like to take some more time to relax in 2011 - although I doubt this will happen considering that I am writing about all I plan to accomplish in 2011 despite life's challenges.

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