Monday, July 26, 2010

Coastal Style Blues

Those who know me know that I HATE blue rooms. Growing up much of our house was decorated in blue; our furniture was blue, the bathroom was blue, the carpet was blue and so on. It's not that I really hate blue, I am just very tired of it in my house. I vowed to never have a blue room in my home, however I think I am going to take that vow back.

I'd like my guest bedroom and bath to be decorated in a coastal style, and yes that includes blue. But nice, pretty coastal blue. Its relaxing, and fits perfectly with the other decor items. I think I can handle one blue room if it turns out like my latest creation above. Besides, I already have a few nice beach-inspired pieces of wall art, and those seahorse candle holders!

If this blue works out, I may use touches of blue through my home (maybe).

Friday, July 23, 2010

Home Decor Fun

When I was little my mom always dragged me though the crystal section at Hudsons, and I always hated it. Then I got a little older, and to this day I always browse through the crystal section, as well as the entire home selection at any store! I always enjoy picking out items for my future home mixing and matching styles. While I really love all tropical things and beachy inspired decor, I also really like the warm, modern styles emerging. I used some extra time today to play around on polyvore, making this image of what my future living room might contain! Bonus: most of these items are at Target! Who doesn't love Target? I'm seriously ready to go buy this stuff and keep it in storage until I move out!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Salute To America

Today is the first day back to work after a beautiful holiday weekend! It was so wonderful to be off work and enjoy the present day traditions of the 4th of July, such as friends, family, BBQs and sales while enjoying fireworks and remembering why we have these present day traditions to begin with.

On Friday evening, I went to the Salute To America Event at Greenfield Village, where the Detroit Symphony Orchestra put on a beautiful show featuring patriotic music from Yankee Doodle Dandy, The 1812 Overture and many other songs followed by civil war canons being shot and fireworks!

Happy Birthday America, and thank you to the troops who make celebrating the 4th with family, friends, BBQs, sales and time off work possible!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Places To Visit Again Before I Die

I decided to make this post a two-parter! Based on the previous post, one would think I never went anywhere cool because there are so many places I'd like to visit, rather than places I have actually visited. This couldn't be further than the truth, I have traveled to numerous places and many of them were awesome enough for me to want to go back. Here's the current list:

1.) France. Mostly Paris & La Cote D'Azur. Amazing.
2.) London. I was only in London for 2 days, and I did get to see many sights including Buckingham Palace, The Crown Jewels and Big Ben. Overall however I thought the tone of the city was pretty snobby, and i'd like to go again and see if it is really like that, or if it was just my experience.
3.) Disney World. I love Disney World. I went twice as a child, and interned there during college. I lived there for 6 months, and have visited countless times since; needless to say, I'll be going back for years to come. My goal is to stay at all 26 resorts after all!
4.) Key West. One day here was simply not enough!
5.) Chicago. I only spent the weekend here, but it was so fun. If you only visit one big city, I would recommend Chicago hands down.
6.) Clearwater Beach. A third Sunshine State Destination. Clearwater Beach is awesome, blue water, sandy beaches, wonderful seafood, fun shops, and the most awesome Pirate Ship around.
7.) Mackinac Island. A very cool place in my home state! I've walked the 5 Mile Mighty Mackinaw Bridge 3 times, and would love to do it again. Besides, who can resist carriage rides, delicious fudge and more?
8.) NYC. I know I mentioned this in the previous post, but I simply didn't see enough of the city! I have to go back.

Places To Visit Before I Die

This summer I have been reminiscing about my prior trips to France in July of 2004 and 2006 respectively. Just this week I met my high school french teacher for dinner, who I vacationed within France, and she mentioned that she was Paris bound on Monday! Jealous. During dinner we discussed the possibility of an an adult trip to France, which I am in favor of, since four years between European vacations is much too long.

In light of these thoughts, I have decided to put my "Places To See Before I Die" in writing just to add a little salt to my wounds. Just for the record, I would love to go back to France again, but I will not include it on this list, since technically I have "seen" it.

1. Italy. I want to take a Gondola Ride in Venice, see the Leaning Tower, visit Rome, Florence and Tuscany and eat Gelato!
2. Fiji. This is my ideal honeymoon place. I would like to stay at the Turtle Island Resort, I already have this priced and planned.
3. Antarctica. I recently found out you could go here, and it is defiantly a place I would like to see.
4. A Caribbean Cruise. I'd like to see the many islands in the Caribbean, swim with dolphins, snorkel, and take a zip-line tour of a rainforest or something cool.
5. Las Vegas. I love Cirque De Soleil. I want to see as many shows here as possible. Seeing a taping of CSI wouldn't hurt either :)
6. Africa. I'd really like to go on a safari and see all the animals.
7. California. I want to see everything, L.A., Hollywood, San Fransisco, Napa, San Diego.
8. NYC. Technically I have been here, but I didn't go on the Statue Of Liberty Tour or see any museums or central park, or go to the Today Show. These things need to be done.
9. Australia. Seems like a cool place.
10. Hawaii. Doesn't everyone want to go here? Disney is opening a resort soon called Aulani, so this might be something I can check off the list sooner than later. I'm dying to check out the Volcanoes and the black sand beaches.

I think there are many other places I would like to visit, however these are currently the highest on my list.