Friday, July 2, 2010

Places To Visit Before I Die

This summer I have been reminiscing about my prior trips to France in July of 2004 and 2006 respectively. Just this week I met my high school french teacher for dinner, who I vacationed within France, and she mentioned that she was Paris bound on Monday! Jealous. During dinner we discussed the possibility of an an adult trip to France, which I am in favor of, since four years between European vacations is much too long.

In light of these thoughts, I have decided to put my "Places To See Before I Die" in writing just to add a little salt to my wounds. Just for the record, I would love to go back to France again, but I will not include it on this list, since technically I have "seen" it.

1. Italy. I want to take a Gondola Ride in Venice, see the Leaning Tower, visit Rome, Florence and Tuscany and eat Gelato!
2. Fiji. This is my ideal honeymoon place. I would like to stay at the Turtle Island Resort, I already have this priced and planned.
3. Antarctica. I recently found out you could go here, and it is defiantly a place I would like to see.
4. A Caribbean Cruise. I'd like to see the many islands in the Caribbean, swim with dolphins, snorkel, and take a zip-line tour of a rainforest or something cool.
5. Las Vegas. I love Cirque De Soleil. I want to see as many shows here as possible. Seeing a taping of CSI wouldn't hurt either :)
6. Africa. I'd really like to go on a safari and see all the animals.
7. California. I want to see everything, L.A., Hollywood, San Fransisco, Napa, San Diego.
8. NYC. Technically I have been here, but I didn't go on the Statue Of Liberty Tour or see any museums or central park, or go to the Today Show. These things need to be done.
9. Australia. Seems like a cool place.
10. Hawaii. Doesn't everyone want to go here? Disney is opening a resort soon called Aulani, so this might be something I can check off the list sooner than later. I'm dying to check out the Volcanoes and the black sand beaches.

I think there are many other places I would like to visit, however these are currently the highest on my list.

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