Friday, July 2, 2010

Places To Visit Again Before I Die

I decided to make this post a two-parter! Based on the previous post, one would think I never went anywhere cool because there are so many places I'd like to visit, rather than places I have actually visited. This couldn't be further than the truth, I have traveled to numerous places and many of them were awesome enough for me to want to go back. Here's the current list:

1.) France. Mostly Paris & La Cote D'Azur. Amazing.
2.) London. I was only in London for 2 days, and I did get to see many sights including Buckingham Palace, The Crown Jewels and Big Ben. Overall however I thought the tone of the city was pretty snobby, and i'd like to go again and see if it is really like that, or if it was just my experience.
3.) Disney World. I love Disney World. I went twice as a child, and interned there during college. I lived there for 6 months, and have visited countless times since; needless to say, I'll be going back for years to come. My goal is to stay at all 26 resorts after all!
4.) Key West. One day here was simply not enough!
5.) Chicago. I only spent the weekend here, but it was so fun. If you only visit one big city, I would recommend Chicago hands down.
6.) Clearwater Beach. A third Sunshine State Destination. Clearwater Beach is awesome, blue water, sandy beaches, wonderful seafood, fun shops, and the most awesome Pirate Ship around.
7.) Mackinac Island. A very cool place in my home state! I've walked the 5 Mile Mighty Mackinaw Bridge 3 times, and would love to do it again. Besides, who can resist carriage rides, delicious fudge and more?
8.) NYC. I know I mentioned this in the previous post, but I simply didn't see enough of the city! I have to go back.

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