Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Wishes Fulfilled

And so it was Christmas.....

And I'm happy to report it was a good one! My Christmas Eve gathering of family was a success, and everyone LOVED my renovations. My mom had a great Christmas Eve and Day, and I'm glad she had a good time, I worked hard to ensure that, Just in case it is her last Christmas. I surely hope not!

Christmas Breakfast was fantastic, with delicious Mimosas, great company and a excellent breakfast casserole and fruit platter cooked by Chef Aunt Juli! Christmas Dinner was spent at Aunt Sandy's, complete with great game of Texas Hold'Em. Best part - me not cooking!

Plus I got lots of great gifts, including everything I listed on my previous post! Chocolate Brown Uggs, The Dream A Little Necklace, Wii Mario All Stars and Scrapbooking tools.

My amazing thoughtful mom got me a very special gift from Tiffany & Co. It is the beautiful porcelain ornament in the picture above. It is the traditional Tiffany Blue Box, and she said this way I would always have box from Tiffany's on Christmas from her, no matter what happens.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Broadway In Detroit

Yes, I am aware that this is my 3rd blog post in one day. It is the last day of work before the holiday vacation and my stuff is done and I'm anxious to get out!

I have failed to mention that I am an avid theater-goer (turns nose up). I have seen many wonderful plays in Detroit including The Radio City Christmas Spectacular, White Christmas, The Nutcracker, Riverdance, The Sound Of Music, The King and I, and my favorite, Wicked.

I am also proud Oakland University Alumni (no nose turning necessary here), and as an alumni and part of the OU community I am able to score amazing deals on theater tickets - up to half off in some cases. Just last saturday my theater-going buddy, Aunt Juli, and I saw Mary Poppins for just $20, and it was excellent.

So far this year we have been to 3 plays, and we already have 3 planned for early next year: Chicago, Burn The Floor & Mamma Mia. Normally with the high price of tickets, we could only do maybe one or two per year, but this is spectacular.

Silver Lining

There's always a silver lining....or at least I hope. I spent some downtime at work today creating this image of a few pieces I want (and can actually afford) from Tiffany & Co, my favorite store. I'd hate to list all that I want, but can't afford. I am a huge fan of the silver pieces and one day I hope to add these fun, classic pieces to my jewelry box!

Harvest Loaf

If you are looking for a great last minute holiday gift for your neighbors or co-workers, try this delicious Harvest Loaf Cake! It can be made for any winter holiday and is sure to warm the hearts of your family and friends on cold winter days. Homemade baked goods are truly a gift anyone will appreciate. Besides, since most people give cookies or candy for Christmas, this Harvest Loaf is a nice change.

I made 8 mini loaves last night and it only took about 1.5 hours from start to finish! I tripled the recipe and filled 8 mini disposable loaf tins. (6 are gifts, 2 are for our Christmas Morning Breakfast)

Here is the recipe, I got it from one of the personalities on my favorite radio station!


½ cup butter
1 cup sugar
2 eggs
1 ½ cups flour
1 t baking soda
1 t cinnamon
½ t salt
½ t nutmeg
¼ t ginger
¼ t cloves
¾ cup canned pumpkin
1 pkg (6 oz) semisweet chocolate chips
1 cup chopped walnuts, DIVIDED

Cream butter and sugar. Add eggs, beating well. Stir together flour, soda, cinnamon, salt, nutmeg, ginger and cloves. Add to butter mixture alternately with pumpkin, beginning and ending with dry ingredients, beating well after each addition. Stir in chocolate chips and ¾ cup of the chopped walnuts.

Pour batter into greased 9 x 5 x 3-inch loaf pan. Sprinkle with remaining ¼ cup of chopped walnuts. Bake in a 350-degree oven for 65 minutes or until cake tests done. Cool cake. Drizzle glaze over cake. (Note: recipe will easily double, triple or quadruple to make more cakes)

½ cup sifted confectioners’ sugar
2 T light cream
Dash each of nutmeg and cinnamon

Stir together sugar, cream, nutmeg and cinnamon. Drizzle over cooled Harvest Loaf Cake.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Dear Santa

Christmas is right around the corner, so I thought I would picture some of the few items on my Christmas Gift List. I hope Santa brings me all the goodies I asked for! (I have been really good this year, honest)

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Ice Cold

Well, winter has officially arrived here in Michigan. The first winter storm of the season blasted the area with 4-6 inches of snow Sunday. It was wet, heavy snow that turned into ice when the temperatures plummeted to 14 degrees that evening. These low tempurature have been hanging around all week, causing roadways to be solid sheets of ice, as salt does not work when it's this frigid.

These past 2 morning drives have been slippery ones, which reminded me of the first time I ever drove on ice...

I was just about 10 or 12 years old and I was up north at my uncle's cottage one winter weekend. The lake was completely frozen and my dad was ice fishing and I was using my new ice skates. My dad frequently let me drive the car up there on the dirt roads, and this time he asked me if I would like to drive on the lake. I didn't know you could do such a thing, but agreed.

I took our minivan out for a ride on the frozen lake to check on our fishing holes, and my dad even taught me how to do wheelies in the car. When we drove by the cottage on the lake, my mom noticed though the kitchen window and was apparently yelling many bad words, and my dad got an earful when we arrived home about how insurance doesn't cover the vehicle when it's not on LAND! We had a great time, so it was worth the trouble.

Needless to say, I'm quite accustomed to driving on ice. I've been doing it for about 10 years or so now.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Holiday Baking

Since I put up my decorations in November, one can only assume that my holiday shopping was complete by the first weekend in December, and you would have assumed right!

Not only are all my presents purchased, but they are wrapped and looking beautiful under the tree. Now the only task is to complete the holiday baking.

I spent the entire weekend baking delicious cookies from scratch for family and friends! I have been helping my mom bake Christmas cookies and fudge every year since I can remember. This year I braved the baking alone, due to my mom's handicap she can no longer help in the kitchen. I missed sharing poorly sung holiday tunes with her as we made all types of Christmas cookies from chocolate chip, peanut butter, Russian teacakes and sugar cookies in holiday shapes. I did her proud, baking all day until I literally ran out of stick butter. I brought her warm cookies from the oven, shared the fudge pot with her, and of course let her roll the Russian Teacakes in powered sugar.

I still have another whole day of baking ahead. Tonight I'll be heading out for more stick butter and baking ingredients! I'm also considering buying a Gingerbread house kit. I have never made one, but I think it might be fun to try, and it would be a cute centerpiece for the Christmas Eve food buffet!